UBA Ranking Guidelines

Eligibility requirements for players

  • 12 UBA Events participated in after 24 months (goes into effect 1/1/26)

Eligibility requirements for events

  • 12 teams minimum

  • Open to the public

  • Notice of UBA Qualifying Event published to UBA website at least three weeks prior to event

  • (prior notice is waived for now, as we go through our “onboarding phase”)

After the event is over, please submit a full roster of players (including states for each player) and a picture or write-up of the final results to UnifiedBocce@gmail.com

Point System

  • 1 point per team for first place (16 pts. minimum)

  • [e.g., 12 team tournament = 16 pts for first place; 64 team tournament = 64 pts for first, etc…]

Pts. by percentage:
1st – 100%
2nd – 75%
3rd – 50%
4th – 40%

12+ teams: top ½ 30%, bottom ½ 3%

20+ teams: top ¼ 30%, top ½ 25%, bottom ½ 3%

40+ teams: top ⅛ 30%, top ¼ 25%, top ½ 20%, bottom ½ 3%

80+ teams: top 1/16 30%, top ⅛ 25%, top ¼ 20%, top ½ 10%, bottom ½ 3%

If there is a tie for 3rd, both teams that tie get 45% of the points.

Round Robin caveats

  • If fewer than half of the teams advance to knockoff round(s), the teams that do not advance will be ranked only on record (W-L).

  • If there is a “Silver” or “Second Chance” Tournament, the winner of that tournament will be awarded the same points as top ½ of finishers overall.

A player’s Overall UBA Ranking is determined by Average Points x ((Total Pts x 10)/Possible Pts).