UBA Rankings are unofficial until 1/1/26. After that date, all players who have not participated in 12 UBA Eligible Events in the past 24 months will be removed from the official rankings until they are able to meet the ranking guidelines. Further guidelines are listed on the “Ranking and Tournament Guidelines” Page.

If there is an issue or something needs to be corrected with your ranking, please do not hesitate to contact us at UnifiedBocce@gmail.com. All information used in rankings is based off of information provided by tournament organizers.

Please note: We recently transferred a massive amount of data from one system to another in order to create a more functional system for updating player rankings. It is possible that we lost or mixed up some numbers as much of this was done by hand over the course of months. Please reach out if you notice any discrepancies and we will fix them as soon as possible. Thank you!

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